Ancient Ruins scatter terrain - Dungeons & Lasers
Ancient Ruins scatter terrain - Dungeons & Lasers
Ancient Ruins scatter terrian
Immerse yourself in a mystical world that perfectly captures the atmosphere of times gone by. The ruins you came across have stood for centuries and have witnessed more than a few events that have gone down in the annals of history. As you know, the past has many stories to tell...
Box contains
Gate of the Sun, Elven Stained Glass, Gate of Power, Elven Pillar, Fountain of Forgotten, 4 different mushrooms, 2 different thorns, 3 different plants, Place Long Forgotten, Obelisk of Dread, Chainbreaker, Talking Stone, Creepy Monument, Monolith, Spider Lair, 4 different direction signs, 2 different excavations, wooden crane, stone horse, 5 different bushes, 4 different spider webs, shaman's tent, good old hut, legionnaire's tent, ghost totem and vulture on remains
All areas are unpainted and may need to be cleaned up beforehand.